
(World Rice Supply and Demand: The History and the Future)














World grain food situation is studied focusing on rice in this class,.  However, rice is only a means to learn about the world food supply/demand situation.  Wheat and corn situations are also studied comparatively, so that the participants in this class can be more knowledgeable about grain situation in general.  Those three main grains are interrelated and world prices would fluctuate together.  The subjects of this class are also extended to international trade situation of these grains; how they have been developed, which countries are the major exporters/importers, and how the exporters/importers evolved.

       Transparencies, slides, and PC projectors are extensively used in class.  Slides that are shown in calss are those taken by the professor who is in charge of this class, and he talks as much as possible about his own experiences of his research in foreign countries so that the students can visualize the world situation realistically.





Welcome to my class.  I would like you to enjoy the real world, where grain production and marketing are so exciting and fun to learn.  Please join discussion in each class and build up and share your knowledge on global food problems.  Because of the majority students are Japanese, I mainly speak in Japanese in class.  However, you are not only welcome but strongly encouraged to speak in English and ask questions and share your knowledge at any time.  We’ll see you in class!




第1週  世界のコメ生産地帯 ----- えっ?!こんなとこでコメができるの?

第2週  世界のコメ生産地帯 ----- 世界最大のコメ生産国はどこ?日本は何番目?

第3週  ジャポニカ米とインディカ米 ----- これなーに?

第4週  コメの国際市場価格 ----- コメって高いの?

第5週  コメの国際市場価格 ----- 昔と比べると安いの、それとも高いの?

第6週  コメの生産量とコムギの生産量 ----- どっちが王様か?

第7週  アジアのコメ生産 ----- アメリカに負けるな!

第8週  アジアのコメ消費 ----- あれっ?アジア人って、コメ食べないの?

第9週  世界のコメ貿易 ----- どの国がコメを輸出してるの?

第10週   世界のコメ貿易 ----- 日本も輸出してるの?輸入は?

第11週   世界のコメの潜在的生産能力 ----- まだ、増産できるの?できないの?

第12週   21世紀における世界のコメ需給 ----- 日本はどのように貢献したらいいの?

第13週   世界の食料:何でも質問コーナー

第14週   予備日

第15週   試験


授業のレベル 導入的科目